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Let go of what is holding you back and

accelerate into the future that you desire.

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path to your


Insightful Conversation

We explore the underlying

issues behind your bodily symptoms, connecting the dots and gaining insights into your unique situation.


First Step to Transformation

Together, we begin

your journey to a holistic
transformation, empowering your wellbeing, and setting the stage for lasting change.


Guided Empowerment

Receive extensive support on your path to thriving and elevate your awareness with a team of expert practitioners and coaches.

uncover the hidden roots of your
blockages and physical symptoms in a focused, 15-minute consultation call.



Bio-resonance Health Scan and Follow-up

1:1 Mentoring by Experts (includes the Health Path)

Group Session

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health path

Through an in-depth bio-resonance scan, I help you identify and understand your body's energy imbalances and provide detailed recommendations, paving the way for greater thriving, energy, mental clarity, and renewed excitement and passion for your life!

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In-depth Analysis:

Receive comprehensive insights into your energy field, food sensitivities, and blockages.

Enhanced Wellbeing:

Together, we address imbalances, deficiencies, and mystery symptoms to improve your vitality.

Powerful Detox:

The technology helps you reduce toxins and inflammation, remove parasites and mold, and free up & increase your energy!

Foundation for Growth:

Together, we establish a solid base for your ongoing personal development and pathway to thriving.

Personalized Path to Thriving:

Receive a detailed report of recommendations to up-level your health along with the support of a team of expert practitioners and coaches.

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Customized Insight & Support:

Immerse yourself in sessions tailored to address your unique challenges, shadow aspects, and blind spots, enabling profound transformation.

Nurturing Connections:

Forge meaningful relationships with compassionate coaches and health practitioners who are the top in their fields, fostering a supportive, growth-oriented environment.

thriving path

Your Personalized Pathway to Thriving

"You are unique.

Your life journey is one of a kind.

Your Soul's purpose is distinctly yours."

That's why you deserve a tailor-made approach to propel you beyond obstacles and into a future brimming with potential.

My team of skilled coaches and I provide you with personal guidance and unwavering support. Together, we'll help you shatter barriers to expand your potential, find your purpose, and align with your Soul's path.



Sustained Development:

Receive consistent support, ensuring continuous progress in your journey towards the life of your dreams.

Strategized Growth:

Easily integrate transformational strategies designed to address limiting beliefs while creating powerful new habits aligned with your life goals.

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development path


Join an intuitive mastermind circle that guides you to improve your intuition and connect with a Soul Tribe of high-vibing people excited to share in your breakthroughs and successes.



Weekly Guidance:

Receive ongoing support and guidance on your soul path journey.

Intuitive Development:

Learn to trust and improve your inner voice.

Continuous Upliftment:

Be a part of a circle that inspires you to continuously up-level.

Personalized Path to Thriving:

Receive a detailed report of recommendations to up-level your health along with the support of a team of expert practitioners and coaches.

Empowerment and Success:

Receive unparalleled support in achieving your success and feel celebrated, seen, and held throughout your journey.

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meet our team of experts


Yvette Farkas

(Taoist medicine, Ayurveda, martial arts, qi gong, breathwork, mental training)

Deep Understanding: Discover the connections between your physical ailments and personal happiness. Shift your reality and live your Soul purpose.


Sangeeta Kumar, M.Ed., R.Ac

(RTT hypnotherapist, Mindfulness educator, acupuncturist)

Self-Love Techniques: Build self-esteem, find motivation in life, reduce anxiety, release trauma, and love yourself with greater compassion.


Nathalie Vachon

(Emotion Code + Body Code with techniques from applied kinesiology)

Enhanced Awareness: Release the pain of trapped emotions and traumas, remove your "heart walls," and understand where these originated.


Brent Bruning

(Biological Blueprints: Master Hand Analyst)

Tools for Transformation: Understand the power in your hands, how stress and trauma patterns show up, and how to break through them.


Dr. Alvin De Leon

(German New Medicine + The Five Biological Laws, chiropractor, energy medicine practitioner)

Knowledge for Life: Liberate yourself from the fear of diagnosis and physical symptoms by understanding conflict shocks and triggers.


Marcel Szenessy

(Life and Leadership Coach, Storyteller)

Communicate with Impact: Transform your presence with enhanced communication skills. Feel more confident and authentic in every interaction.

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uncover the hidden roots
of your blockages and physical symptoms in a focused,

15-minute consultation call.

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